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One of the easiest and most important parts of any regular air conditioning service is the frequent changing of your air filters. Depending on the manufacturer of your unit and the lifespan of the air filters you use, it is important to make sure that you are using the correct filters for the correct amount of time. As we reach into the hottest part of summer and AC units are at a peak use, it is more important than ever to be regularly checking your air filter. Timing may be different for every homeowner. 

Primarily it all depends on the filter. Whether you are using thirty day, ninety day, six month, or 12 month filters, Progressive Air Systems recommend (regardless of the lifespan of your air filter) that you are checking it as you receive your monthly energy bill, especially now during the summer months. For every month that you keep the same air filter, it will get more and more clogged, lowering the efficiency of your unit, and increasing your energy costs. Imagine trying breathe through a clogged up mask – it’s going to take a lot more energy to get the air you need. 

Keep in mind also, when you switch manufactures be sure that the air filters that you have been using are compatible with the new unit. Otherwise the incompatibility of the two will end up leading to energy consumption issues. Overall it is best to use an ac filter for half of its stated life span, or change every thirty days. If not changing it on a monthly basis, it is imperative to at least be checking on your filters to avoid any unnecessary AC repair costs.