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Living in Florida we all know the necessity that air conditioning is to us, especially now that summer is upon us! Due to the cost of the equipment and power alone it takes to operate a proper functioning system, we at Progressive Air Systems want to ensure you know the right information about your AC units.

How Old is Your Air Conditioning System?

Knowing the age of your AC unit is important for deciding on whether or not to repair or replace. Also by keeping track of the age of it is handy when it comes to using your warranty if anything happens to wear out. Nameplates typically found on the side of AC units should have the manufacture date stamped on it, otherwise check the serial number online. If you are not sure of the age of your unit or if it is old enough to replace, call us and we will send out a technician to inspect your HVAC unit.

Know the Efficiency of Your Air Conditioning System

Air Conditioner Energy Efficiency is as important as ever, especially staying cool here in the warm coastal regions of Tampa Bay. Knowing the SEER rating of your AC unit is important when replacing or upgrading components. Mismatching 13 SEER and 16 SEER parts will not give you the proper maximum SEER rating. By using the efficiency of our Carrier air conditioner technology including the Greenspeed Intelligence, we ensure an environmentally and economically friendly system.

How Well is Your AC Unit Working?

The most important thing you should be aware of is the overall well being of your unit. Which is primarily achieved by monthly changing of air filters and regular maintenance of your HVAC system. As time goes on dirt, dust, and other debris can clog up your system. Eventually eroding electrical wiring and potentially leading to high AC repair costs. Also this clogging of your system can cause the lowering of efficiency, making your 16 SEER unit perform like a 12 SEER unit. This leaves your unit having to work harder and your utility bills more costly.

By keeping all of these in mind you can keep your AC unit in good working order, and be prepared to deal with any repair or upgrade concerns. It is only through knowing the specifications of your unit and ensuring proper maintenance that will keep you cool and your bills low.