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You probably have a springtime maintenance checklist: wash the windows, launder the curtains, mop the floor and scrub those grubby fingerprints off the door jams. However, there’s another spring checklist you should address, and that’s a springtime HVAC maintenance checklist! It’s important to take care of this as soon as possible so that your HVAC runs smoothly in the warm days ahead.

We’ve compiled this springtime HVAC maintenance checklist to make it easy for you to get your system up and running for the new season.

1. Clear Debris from the Outside of the Unit

An HVAC can’t work properly if it’s obstructed, so you’ll need to clear away dirt, leaves, twigs, pebbles and any other debris around or on the unit.

A rule of thumb is to clear an area of about three feet in all directions around the base. This means removing weeds, trimming tree branches and cutting any nearby grass.

Schedule a maintenance appointment with us so a professional can determine if your unit has sustained any damage and needs repairs.

2. Clean the Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil is the part of your air conditioner that absorbs your home’s heat. You can find it behind an access panel below the blower, and it looks like the letter “A.”

3. Replace the Air Filter

One of the simplest things you can do to prepare your HVAC for spring is changing the air filter. Changing a clogged filter will allow your unit to more efficiently cool your home, and it reduces pollen, mold, pet dander, dust mites and other indoor air contaminants. Use a high-rated MERV filter (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) for best results.

4. Test Your Thermostat

It’s no fun finding out your thermostat isn’t working when the first heat wave hits. Before that happens, turn on your air conditioner and let it run. After an hour or so, is the room temperature still 80, even though you set the thermostat for 70? Does it maintain new programming or revert to old ones?

The solution may be simply changing the batteries. If that doesn’t work, it may be time for a repair or replacement.

5. Unclog Drain Line

Also known as a condensate line, the drain line is the part of your system that transports condensation from your air conditioner to the outdoors. A simple method of clearing your drain line is with hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. Just pour in a cup of either and wait about 20 minutes while it dissolves the clog. Next you’ll want to run water down the drain and suck it up with a wet vac outside.

6. Check Refrigerant Levels

Refrigerant is a substance that absorbs and releases heat from your AC. It must be at the proper level to do so. A skilled Progressive technician can determine whether more refrigerant needs to be added and discover any leaks that should be repaired.

7. Have Your Ducts Sanitized

Debris blowing into your home from your AC ducts will take some of the joy out of springtime. Just call us to schedule a duct sanitation to eliminate allergens that have been accumulating during the fall and winter. We’ll also check your ductwork for cracks, holes and leaks.

8. Clean Vents

To ensure proper airflow and to keep dust from blanketing your house, you should vacuum your vents. These registers can be easily removed with a screwdriver. Use the vacuum’s wand attachment to whisk away dust and debris, as well as any easily reachable area inside the ductwork. If they’re extremely dirty, wipe with a cloth and mild detergent.

9. Have Electrical Connections Tightened

Working with electricity is risky, so it’s advisable to call one of our professionals who are trained to safely handle electrical repairs. We can spot and fix loose wiring before it jeopardizes your HVAC’s safety and operation.

10. Make Sure the Fan is Working Properly

What is that click-click-click? Or that grating sound? Chances are it means something is wrong with your AC’s outside fan. The fan is necessary to remove heat generated by the condenser. The issue could just be debris that is blocking the fan and can be easily cleared.

The fan may also have a bent or broken blade, and in this case the whole thing needs to be replaced. If the blade moves stiffly or wobbles, this could indicate that the motor is malfunctioning.

Contact Us

Don’t wait until it gets hot to prepare your springtime HVAC maintenance checklist. The specialists at family-owned and operated Progressive Air Systems will make sure nothing gets overlooked. We appreciate each of our customers and want to ensure your warm weather comfort by keeping your HVAC system in tip top shape! Learn more on AC or contact us today!